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Card Transaction Monitoring

Our flagship product for fraud monitoring of card transactions, with a history going as back to 1991.

Card Transaction Monitoring

Card Transaction Monitoring (CTM) is our flagship product for fraud monitoring of card transactions, with a history going as far back as 1991. CTM provides comprehensive real-time monitoring of debit and credit card authorizations both domestically and internationally, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. CTM ensures that any suspicious activity is immediately identified, stopped, or restricted using advanced algorithms and machine learning to offer a frictionless payment experience. We offer CTM with four different service levels, allowing the customer to tailor the solution to their specific requirements.

Transaction monitoring becomes increasingly more efficient and accurate for all parties involved when utilizing a shared CTM platform, which leads to a more frictionless and comprehensive analysis. By implementing CTM, banks can save both time and resources by preventing fraud cases and minimizing the cost associated with claims.

Jarle Engh

Sales Executive

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