Time savings and quality assurances for both administrations and citizens with automated processes.
Head of Sales Welfare Sweden, Tietoevry Care
Skellefteå municipality needed to change their digitalisation progress to meet their goal of being a modern municipality that supports the needs of its citizens through effective contact and support. This also required a shift in business processes.
The Lifecare business system and citizen services are where individuals apply digitally for income support. They are also at the forefront of the municipality’s digitalisation journey. On both the administrator and authority sides there are now more efficient flows and smart calculations which has resulted in a much simpler business system that supports and guides all users. Processing times have been shortened and individuals can now apply and follow their case online where they want, when they want.
Skellefteå municipality is situated in the county of Västerbotten in the region of Västerbotten, Sweden. Geographically speaking, it is Sweden’s largest coastal municipality and in 2018 it was home to nearly 73,000 inhabitants with the municipality employing around 9,000 people.
Automation of workflows provide fast and simple services for both residents and municipal employees.
Today, applications can be made digitally, anywhere, anytime.
New routines mean less waiting for applicants and freed up resources on the business side.
Time savings and quality assurances for both administrators and individuals accessing services have been improved by the introduction of automated processes.