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Women in Tech Forum 2024

24.10.2024 / Espoo, Finland

Welcome to join the Women in Tech Forum with us!

When it comes to equality and inclusivity, there is still work to be done within the tech field. Women in Tech Forum aims to raise awareness of the change needed and provide tools for a better future. We are proud to participate in the event as one of the partners.

This year’s theme is Tech Evolution: Embracing Change. With this edition, Women in Tech wants to celebrate the rapid and versatile nature of the tech industry. Focusing on stories of the trailblazers who triumphed over the changes that happened throughout their careers and offering a glimpse into new cutting-edge tech trends and the benefits they bring.

The event is open for everyone interested in learning more about gender equality and inclusion in tech. Welcome to visit our booth and meet our people!

When: Thursday, 24 October at 10.00-16.00 EET

Where: Dipoli, Aalto University Campus, Espoo

Read more and register to the event here

Our workshop

Fake news and AI – The race against disinformation

When was the first time you found yourself watching content without realizing it was AI-generated? Deepfakes, robocalls and conspiracies – AI is an increasingly dangerous tool for spreading false information. Even for astute media consumers, it has become increasingly challenging to distinguish between real and fabricated. In recent years, we’ve seen several examples of how effectively AI can be used to spread disinformation, with far-reaching consequences. Welcome to learn more about fake news and how to recognize them with our experts!

Read more about the topic and listen to our podcast episode!

Workshop hosts

Thomas Rosqvist
Business Development & Strategic Project Lead, Tietoevry Create
Hanna Huurinainen
CX Principal, Tietoevry Create

People - the key to success

We work hard to create a culture based on continuous learning, diversity, equity and inclusion. We believe employing a truly eclectic mix of people – looking beyond sex, gender identity, nationality, religion, beliefs system, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, political opinion, union membership or social or ethnic origin.

For us, diversity, equity and inclusion are fundamental in the creation of an inspirational workplace and being different is how we drive innovation forwards.

We do not see equality as something to be achieved once and for all and then forgotten. Instead, it is an evolving process. We actively work with partners in the business and wider communities to foster equality in both the workplace and society at large.

Read more about diversity, equity and inclusion at Tietoevry

Ota yhteyttä

Annika Uusikari

Employer Branding Manager

Workshop hosts

Thomas Rosqvist

Business Development & Strategic Project Lead, Tietoevry Create

Hanna Huurinainen

CX Principal, Tietoevry Create

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